Interactive implementation in TypeScript
Whether it's a good practice or not, take note of the steps.
I want to implement spitting out the selection to JSON.
I'd like to try things out interactively before deciding how to implement them.
Where is the selection?
const App = (props: any) => {...} In the .
let [selection, setSelection] = useState<PaperItem[]>([]);
Not exposed because of the local scope of the function.
Expose with window.debug.selection = selection;.
window.debug is prepared with the type "any" so that you don't have to declare it every time.
Or @ts-ignore.
Where is the code to convert an object to a plain object
const stateItemToFirestore = (x: StateItem) => {...}
This is also after the function definition window.debug.stateItemToFirestore = stateItemToFirestore...
I was going to, but ng.
Since the code for this function definition runs before the code that creates window.debug
export stateItemToFirestore.
On the side of the code making window.debug, import it to expose
This is the wrong argument type to call.
If I had written it as TypeScript, would I have found out why with a type error?
-> NO, type information is lost when you put it in `window.debug:any
The desired string is obtained.
Next step is to figure out how to get this back to Map.
Expose the updateStateItem as it is exported.
→Error in simple reading
Requires firestoreToStateItem.
It's done.
Make it TypeScript code.
export const exportSelectedItemsAsJSON = () => {
const r = =>
return JSON.stringify(r);
export const importItemsFromJSON = (json: string) => {
const xs = JSON.parse(json);
xs.forEach((x: object) => {
updateStateItem(null, firestoreToStateItem(x))
Now it works as expected: debug.importItemsFromJSON(debug.exportSelectedItemsAsJSON())
But copying and pasting the JSON displayed in the console with debug.exportSelectedItemsAsJSON() breaks it.
Well, it's no wonder JSON doesn't parse correctly in the developer console.
localStorage["tmp"] = debug.exportSelectedItemsAsJSON()
In a separate window debug.importItemsFromJSON(localStorage["tmp"])
It worked correctly.
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/TypeScriptで対話的に実装. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I'm very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.